Soundsmith The Voice Cartridge is the pinnacle of High Output designs from Soundsmith gaining Kudos, accolades and many “Product of the Year” awards.
Since its introduction in 2009, The Voice has won numerous “product-of-the-year” awards and is in Peter Ledermann founder of Soundsmith words probably the best High Output cartridge in production today.” His design goal was to produce the lowest moving mass high output design possible using novel and advanced technology. Featuring a single crystal Ruby Cantilever and his Optimized Contour Line Contact Stylus, he developed specialized metallurgy for the low mass moving iron system. A cartridge that disappears. After all, if it sounds like a “record” it’s wrong. The cartridge should bring you directly to the performance; not stand between you and the music.
Soundsmith The Voice Specifications:
Stylus: Contact Line Nude, 0.100mm SQ selected for low noise
Radius of curvature: OCL (Optimized Contour Contact Line)
Cantilever: Ruby
Recommended tracking force: 1.3-1.6 gm
Effective tip mass: 0.30 mg
Compliance: 28 μm/mN (high), 22 μm/mN (medium)
Frequency response: 20-20,000 Hz ±1.0 dB
Channel separation (stereo only): 1000 Hz >30 dB, 50-15,000 >25 dB
Channel difference: <0.5 dB (Stereo), <1.0 dB (Mono)
Output voltage (The Voice): 2.12 mV
Cartridge weight: 9.2 grams
Loading (The Voice): ≥ 47 kΩ
Also available in dual-coil mono.
ES Cartridges with “DEMS”
Sometimes when mounting on a grounded metal arm, a cartridge will create a hum due to a ground loop. If you experience some low-level hum due to the ground loop, you can now solve this issue by using the two half-round white rods which are to be placed and used in the OUTER slots, seen on the top of the cartridge. Place them flat side UP.
The rods are made of Alumina, and are insulating, thus allowing ground isolation for your cartridge without compromising the crucial mechanical energy transfer into the tonearm. This energy transfer is maintained due to the use of Alumina, which has the same properties as aluminium but is non-conductive. Due to the novel body design of the ES cartridge, electrical isolation can still be maintained even though you may use metal screws.
On tonearms that do not allow azimuth adjustment, it is now possible to achieve this adjustment by way of the ES series by using the one full round alumina rod in the centre slot only, alternately tightening and loosening the mounting screws by small amounts.
See Soundsmith product range HERE